How You Become Liable...
...for the Income Tax
Learn exactly how this happens ...and what you are able to do about it.

So what can be done about the erroneous testimony that your earnings are federally-connected? Realistically, in most cases you are not going to get the person or company paying you to not send in a W-2, 1099, or K-1.

Here's where the situation has not changed from the 1862 law. There is not space to give the details here, but in highly confusing and obscuring language the law allows you to declare the amount of your income and prevents the government from challenging your declaration. In a moment we'll show you where to get more information about the details.

We move on to one way to make such a declaration.

If one's earnings from labor have been filed with the government on a W-2 form, which declares them as federally-connected, which form does one file to declare that they are not?

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